Working With A Tarot Deck

8 of Water, Acrylic on Canvas

8 of Water, Acrylic on Canvas


First off, I would like to give a big welcome to those who are new here! Welcome to the wonderful world of Marie’s art! For those of you who have been following me for awhile, welcome to my new home. Glad you are here with me and my journey into new worlds and artistic discovery.

Back before the world wasn’t ending, I was picked by 78Tarot to paint a tarot card. When I put through the application, I never thought I would get picked because of all the wonderful artists and all the wonderful talent that goes into one of these decks is uncanny. if you get the opportunity to check it out, I highly recommend it :

I was picked, and assigned the 8 of cups. This card is all about leaving behind what might be hurting you or does not suit you. Even after putting in so much work and effort, sometimes things still fail. When one door closes, some always opens a window so, even though this card can represent despair, it also represents hope and creating a new beginning. Learning from your mistakes and moving forward because, you have to.

Talk about relevant to my life! I was elated when I received my assignment for this card. I went through a handful of sketches and then finally was approved for this one. My work has a tendency to be dark and full of despair so finding hope in this piece was a challenge and almost completely out of my comfort zone. I am so thrilled to be part of this project. The kick starter was not announced yet but, if you would like to support artists in this crazy time, I recommend adding to your collections with a Tarot Deck!

Original will be up for sale. 9x18.5” Acrylic on wood panel.

To check out the kickstarter for the deck, click HERE!